Death korps of krieg stormtroopers
Death korps of krieg stormtroopers

For one, they are pseudo-Stubborn, always ignoring penalties to Morale checks in close combat (but not outside of it, oddly) and units may ignore the restriction on regrouping if under half so long as they are within 6″ of an officer.

death korps of krieg stormtroopers

That aside, DKoK also benefit from several unique rules.

death korps of krieg stormtroopers

With the unique army composition, however, this does raise a few odd questions, such as whether Orders can be issued to Arillery-type units (such as Heavy Mortars and Quad Guns.) Presumably either they can’t or it does not affect the guns, but if it does it could give you some interesting tactical advantages. Like the regular IG list, the DKoK can use Orders, with all of the same rules and restrictions. Taking an honest look at the rules associated with something does not magically diminish its other aspects it’s simply an assessment of how useful these rules are in the game and whether they do what they say they do.) Good rules are not incompatible with good fluff. (Oh, and to stave off the inevitable complaints: no, I am not “missing the point” of the Imperial Armor books. Although it is superficially similar to a normal Imperial Guard army, much like the other Forge World lists some small changes make critical differences in how the list can function, so let’s go through and take a look at things.

death korps of krieg stormtroopers

The Death Korps of Krieg, originally printed in Imperial Armor 1 and eventually given an update that is available online, is supposed to represent a massive, entrenched foot army that uses heavy artillery support and rock-hard soldiers to hold the enemy off. As part of a semi-series looking at the Imperial Armo(u)r books and the unique forces you can field with them (such as the Armored Battlegroup, Siege Regiment, Dread Mob, and Tyrant’s Legion), I’m picking one of the most popular ones this time around, partly because I’ve gotten a request to do so and partly because it’s pretty sweet.

Death korps of krieg stormtroopers